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Government of India Act of 1935 :
↳ This Act came into force in 1937.
↳ It introduced direct elections in India.
↳ Introduced responsible government in the provinces.
↳ Provinces and princely states were established as units.
↳ Powers are divided between the center and the units.
• Federal List - Centre - 59 items.
• Provincial List - provinces - 54 items.
• Concurrent List - Centre & provinces - 36 items.
↳ Abolished dyarchy and introduced "Provincial autonomy".
↳ Bicameralism (Upper House - Legislative Council & Lower House - Legislature Assembly) was introduced in 6 out of 11 provinces.
• Those 6 provinces are Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Bihar, Assam, and the United Provinces.
↳ Provided separate electorates for depressed classes (scheduled castes), women, and labor.
↳ Abolished the Council of India which was established by the Government of India Act of 1858.
↳ The franchise was extended – 10% of the total population got the right to vote.
↳ Reserve Bank of India was established.
↳ Federal Public Service Commission, Provincial Public Service Commission and Joint Public Service Commission were established.
↳ Federal Court was established in 1937.
↳ This Act came into force in 1937.
↳ It introduced direct elections in India.
↳ Introduced responsible government in the provinces.
↳ Provinces and princely states were established as units.
↳ Powers are divided between the center and the units.
• Federal List - Centre - 59 items.
• Provincial List - provinces - 54 items.
• Concurrent List - Centre & provinces - 36 items.
↳ Abolished dyarchy and introduced "Provincial autonomy".
↳ Bicameralism (Upper House - Legislative Council & Lower House - Legislature Assembly) was introduced in 6 out of 11 provinces.
• Those 6 provinces are Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Bihar, Assam, and the United Provinces.
↳ Provided separate electorates for depressed classes (scheduled castes), women, and labor.
↳ Abolished the Council of India which was established by the Government of India Act of 1858.
↳ The franchise was extended – 10% of the total population got the right to vote.
↳ Reserve Bank of India was established.
↳ Federal Public Service Commission, Provincial Public Service Commission and Joint Public Service Commission were established.
↳ Federal Court was established in 1937.