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↳ Increased the number of additional (non-official) members in the Central and provincial legislative councils.
• Central Legislative Council - not less than 10 & not more than 16.
• Provincial legislative council - not less than 8 & not more than 20.
↳ Increased the functions of legislative councils.
• Power to discuss the budget.
• Power to Legislative council to Address questions to the executive.
↳ Nomination of certain non-official members to the Central Legislative Council by the Viceroy.
• On the recommendation of the Provincial Legislative Councils.
• On the recommendation of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce.
↳ Nomination of certain non-official members to Provincial Legislative Councils by the Governor.
• On the recommendation of the mentioned below
• District Boards.
• Municipalities.
• Universities
• Trade associations.
• Zamindars and Chambers.
↳ The Viceroy nominated 6 Indians to the Governor's Council.
Dadabhai Naoroji (First Elected - British Indian MP)
Surendranath Banerjee
Pherozeshah Mehta
Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Rash Behari Ghosh
↳ The Act contains an indirect provision to use elections to fill certain non-official positions.